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Frequently Asked Questions

What does a typical Music Therapy session involve?

Each Music Therapy program is entirely developed based on the individual's needs and functional goals, which if applicable, are often linked back to their NDIS goals. Each session is based on working on these functional goals, and amending the program and activities accordingly to fit in with the individual's needs in the session - so whilst each session certainly has a structure, therapists are trained to be flexible and able to follow an individual's behaviour to be able to accommodate for their needs!
The interventions used in sessions can range from singing and playing instruments, listening to music, and relaxation activities, to creating songs and learning how to play them - the list is endless! It is all based on the individual's therapeutic goals and developing these skills, so the interventions often change according to their progress. 

Can I claim Music Therapy sessions through NDIS funding?

Yes, depending on which type of funding you are managed by. Self and Plan Managed participants are currently able to claim services from Rhythm Music Therapy. However unfortunately at this time, Agency Managed participants are unable to claim our services through NDIS funding.  

What is the difference between Music Education and Music Therapy?

The main difference between Music Therapy and Music Education is the types of goals and outcomes. Whilst a music teacher might work on teaching a student how to play an instrument and how to improve their technique and progress through pieces, they are working on, 'musical goals.' Whereas a Music Therapist focuses on functional skills.
For example, a client may have difficulty holding a spoon as they have poor finger grip and fine motor control, so the therapeutic goal would be based on improving the client's grip and fine motor control. Put simply, Music Education is based on musical outcomes, whereas Music Therapy is not based on musical outcomes, but based on the therapeutic and functional outcome.  

Does Music Therapy involve any music experience?

Music skills are not required to engage in Music Therapy, it is purely based on ​using music as a tool promote health, wellbeing and an individuals development.

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